Education Sessions

Join ATS’ Conferences & Events

Upcoming Events
  • What's On - Alfred Hospital
    From public lectures and conferences to short courses, meetings, and fundraisers, stay up to date with the latest events at The Alfred.
  • What's On - Trauma Association of Canada
    Keep up to date with the latest TAC events including the Annual International Congress of European Hernia Society.
  • AAST Virtual Grand Rounds
    Monthly virtual grand rounds with access to archive recorded previous grand rounds and webinars.
  • Trauma Grand Rounds - WA
    Monthly trauma grand rounds run by Royal Perth Hospital with archive of videos from previous sessions.
  • Queensland Trauma Education
    Provides structured, relevant, and best practice care education to clinicians who care for the injured including forums, courses and education resource kits on specific topics and injury profiles.
  • New South Wales Institute of Trauma and Injury Management
    Upcoming events and recorded archive of previous events.
  • Victorian Trauma Grand Rounds
    A collaborative program between the Royal Melbourne, Ambulance Victoria, the Royal Children’s Hospital and Ambulance Victoria with archive of videos from previous sessions.