Our annual awards program aims to honour individuals and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and impact in trauma care. Our awards seek to highlight the diverse contributions and outstanding leaders who have contributed to the field of trauma and who embody the spirit of excellence in trauma care. All awards are presented annually at the ANZTS Conference.
Awarded by ANZTS
- Life Member
- Service Award
- Gordon Trinca Lecture
By Member nomination:
- Leadership
- Clinical Excellence
- Emerging Leader
- Community
- Trauma Champions
Above nomination and application forms are in pdf as a guide for applications, equivalent documents with the same information will be accepted.
Guideline for Awards (pdf). Guideline for Scholarship (pdf).
For the 2024 Awards, nominations close on the 15th July 2024,
any nominations received after this date will be reviewed for the following year.
2024 Conference Award Recipients
{L-R, Dinesh Varma (President), James Moore (Emerging Leader), Mark Fitzgerald (Life), Lara Kimmel (Leadership), Fiona Jennings (Champion), Joseph Mathew (Clinical Excellence). Fiona Jennings (Community) awarded the day prior due to being unable to attend dinner in person.
2023 Conference Award Recipients
{L-R, Zsolt Balogh (Gordon Trinca), Andrea Herring (Life), Glenn Sisson (Community), Kate Date (Clinical Excellence), Don Campbell (Leadership). Unable to attend in person: Alicia Jackson (Life), Michael Read (Service)}
Life Member
This membership will be awarded to an ANZTS member in recognition of their outstanding service and leadership to trauma care in the spirit of the ANZTS. Life membership is limited to two awards per year and life members will be exempt from paying annual membership fees.
Awarded to:
Mark Fitzgerald
Alicia Jackson
Andrea Herring
Tony Joseph
Ian Civil
Trish McDougall
Previous recipients:
Bill Griggs
Bernadette Mitchell
- Nominations are received from any current or previous ANZTS Board of Directors (BOD) member and reviewed by the Awards panel. A recommendation is made to the BOD for an endorsement through a majority vote.
Selection criteria:
- Held uninterrupted membership with the ANZTS for at least fifteen (15) years.
- Significantly contributed to and engaged with the purposes of the ANZTS with regards to professional achievements, leadership, education, participation in ANZTS governance/Committees, awards and achievements in trauma and has consistently promoted the mission, vision and core values of ANZTS.
Exclusion criteria:
- Any current member of the ANZTS Board of Directors.
- Any individual who has served on the ANZTS Board of Directors within the last year.
Presented by Dinesh Varma President
Presented by Helen Jowett President and Dinesh Varma President-elect
(Alicia was unable to attend
in person to receive her award.)
Presented by Michael Reade, Immediate Past President ANZTS and Helen Jowett, President ANZTS.
Presented by Michael Reade, Immediate Past President ANZTS and Helen Jowett, President ANZTS.
Presented by Michael Reade, Immediate Past President ANZTS and Helen Jowett, President ANZTS.
Service Award
This award is presented to an ANZTS BOD member to recognise outstanding service and contribution to the ANZTS which aligns with the mission, vision and core values of our society.
Awarded to:
Michael Reade
Andrea Herring
Alicia Jackson
- Nominations are received from any current member of the BOD
- The Awards Panel will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the Board for Directors for endorsement through a majority vote.
Selection criteria:
- Held uninterrupted membership on the ANZTS BOD for at least 2 terms and ANZTS membership for 10 years.
- Significantly contributed to the purposes of the ANZTS through leadership, activity and contribution to the ANZTS BOD.
- This award may also be presented to ANZTS members who have not held formal BOD positions, but have consistently contributed to the active workings of ANZTS BOD through committees or subcommittees or activity related specifically to the ANZTS, eg: conference scientific committee chair.
Exclusion criteria:
- Any previous recipients of the ANZTS Service Award
- Any individual who has not served on (or served purposes related to) the ANZTS Board of Directors in the previous 3 years
(Michael was unable to
attend in person to
receive his award)
Presented by Michael Reade, Immediate Past President ANZTS and Helen Jowett, President ANZTS.
Presented by Michael Reade, Immediate Past President ANZTS and Helen Jowett, President ANZTS.
Leadership Award
This award is presented to a current ANZTS member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in trauma care through practice; research; registry; publication; education; patient advocacy; quality improvement; injury prevention, trauma system development, and legislative involvement during their career at a local, regional, national or international level.
Awarded to:
Lara Kimmel
Don Campbell
Cameron Palmer
- Any ANZTS member may nominate a member for this award click here . The nomination must be supported by evidence of contribution in one or more of the above categories.
- The Awards Panel will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the Board for Directors for endorsement through a majority vote.
- Held ANZTS membership for five (5) or more continuous years
- Minimum of 10 years of experience in the field of trauma
Exclusion criteria:
- Any current member of the ANZTS Board of Directors.
- Any individual who has served on the ANZTS Board of Directors within the last year.
- Recipient of any other ANZTS award in the previous two years.
Presented by Dinesh Varma President
Presented by Helen Jowett President and Dinesh Varma President-elect
Presented by Michael Reade, Immediate Past President ANZTS and Helen Jowett, President ANZTS.
Clinical Excellence
This award is presented to a current ANZTS member and recognizes an outstanding individual whose contributions to direct trauma management demonstrates breadth of knowledge in clinical practice, commitment to advancing trauma care, demonstrating excellence in their role, influence positive outcomes for trauma patients and participates in mentorship, advocacy, community affairs and / or public education and aligns with the mission, vision and core values of ANZTS.
Awarded to:
Joseph Mathew
Kate Dale
Sara Calthorpe
- Any ANZTS member may nominate a member for this award click here . The nomination must be supported by evidence of contribution in one or more of the above categories.
- The Awards Panel will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the Board for Directors for endorsement through a majority vote.
- Held ANZTS membership for five (5) or more continuous years
- Minimum of ten (10) years of experience in direct trauma management
Exclusion criteria:
- Any current member of the ANZTS Board of Directors.
- Any individual who has served on the ANZTS Board of Directors within the last year.
- Recipient of any other ANZTS award in the previous two years.
Presented by Dinesh Varma President
Presented by Helen Jowett President and Dinesh Varma President-elect
Accepted on Sara’s behalf by Melissa Webb
Presented by Michael Reade, Immediate Past President ANZTS and Helen Jowett, President ANZTS”
Accepting the Clinical Excellence Award from ANZTS President Elect Dinesh Varma
Emerging Leader
Category Introduced 2024
This award is presented to a current ANZTS member who has demonstrated improving and emerging leadership in one or more of the following areas: clinical practice; research; registry; publication; education; patient advocacy; quality improvement; injury prevention, trauma system development, and / or legislative involvement during the early stages of their career at a local, regional, national or international level.
Awarded to:
James Moore
- Any ANZTS member may nominate a member for this award. The nomination must be supported by evidence of contribution in one or more of the above categories.
The Awards Panel will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the Board for Directors for endorsement through a majority vote.
- Held ANZTS membership for two (2) or more continuous years
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in the field of trauma
Exclusion criteria:
- Any current member of the ANZTS Board of Directors.
- Any individual who has served on the ANZTS Board of Directors within the last year.
- Recipient of any other ANZTS award in the previous two years.
Presented by Dinesh Varma, President ANZTS
Community Award
This award recognises a non ANZTS member of the community who has contributed to trauma care in a capacity that is in the spirit of the ANZTS mission and values. This may be through community work, policy making, advocacy, education or other.
Awarded to:
Melissa Noonan (AM)
Glenn Sission
Cliff Pollard
- An ANZTS member may nominate any person for this award. The nomination must be supported by evidence of contribution that fulfils the criteria.
- The Awards Panel will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the Board for Directors for endorsement through a majority vote.
- Demonstrated outstanding leadership and contribution to trauma care through collaboration, research, registry, publication, education, patient advocacy, quality improvement, injury prevention, trauma system development & legislative involvements during their career at a local, state or national level.
Exclusion criteria:
- Previous recipients of this award are not eligible to be nominated.
- Current or past ANZTS members
Unable to attend the gala dinner but was presented the award the day prior
Presented by Helen Jowett President and Dinesh Varma President-elect
Presented by Michael Reade, Immediate Past President ANZTS and Helen Jowett, President ANZTS.
Trauma Champions
The Trauma Champion is an opportunity to recognise current or past ANZTS members, who have dedicated their careers to improving trauma care and outcomes across Australia and New Zealand. This work often goes on behind the scenes, without support or recognition so this category is to allow ANZTS to honour members who work to consistently to improve outcomes and care in the spirit of the ANZTS mission and values.
Awarded to:
- Fiona Jennings (QLD)
- Lyn Journeaux (VIC)
- Maxine Burrell (WA)
- Rhondda Paice (NZ)
- Rangi Dansey (NZ)
- Jenny Dorian (NZ)
- Erica Caldwell (NSW)
- Chris Allsopp (NSW)
- Stephen A Deane (NSW)
- Danny Cass (NSW)
- Kay Best (NSW)
- Daryl Wall (QLD)
- Deb Wood (SA)
- Louise Niggemyer (VIC)
- Jeffrey Rosenfeld (VIC)
- Rodney Judson (VIC)
Nomination process:
- An ANZTS member may nominate any person for this award
- The Awards Panel will review the nominations and make a recommendation to the Board for Directors for endorsement through a majority vote.
Selection criteria:
- Current or past membership of ANZTS
- Has made significant, demonstrable contributions to advancing trauma care over the course of their career
Exclusion criteria:
- Any current member of the ANZTS Board of Directors.
- Any individual who has served on the ANZTS Board of Directors within the last year.
- Previous recipients of this award are not eligible to be nominated.
Presented by Dinesh Varma, ANZTS President
Gordon Trinca Lectureship
Awarded to:
2024 Brisbane – Michael Reade (AM) “Why don’t they just follow the guideline? The value of team identity in implementation science”
2023 Melbourne – Zsolt Balogh “Polytrauma: our approach to mitochondrial dysfunction”
2022 Brisbane – Kate Martin, “Changes, Challenge, Solutions”
2019 Sydney – …
2018 Perth – …
2017 Melbourne – Michael Parr “That was then – this is now”
2015 Gold Coast – Belinda Gabbe “Life after the Trauma Centre: The new normal”
2014 Sydney – Russell Gruen “The evolution of high performance trauma care”
2013 Whistler – Peter Cameron
2012 Perth – Don Trunkey “Combat casualty care”
2011 No presentation
2010 Melbourne – Ian Civil “Whither generalism?”
2009 Auckland – Andrew Pearce “I want to be part of that team”
2008 No presentation
2007 Melbourne – Tony Joseph “The ATS 10 years on”
2006 Gold Coast – Michael Hollands “The EMST Programme – Reflections on two decades of achievement”
2005 Whistler – Trish McDougall “Horses for Courses: Adopting a Multidisciplinary Approach to Trauma Management”
2004 Sydney – Bill Griggs “Time and space – relativity in trauma”
2003 Adelaide – Eldar Soreide “Prehospital fluid therapy – is this of any use?”
2002 Melbourne – Ian Civil “Who cares for the trauma patient? “
2001 Hobart – Tony Joseph ” Innovations in trauma care”
2001 Sydney – Mark Fitzgerald “Trauma management in Australasia – 50 years on”
The Gordon Trinca lectureship is a prestigious honour that commemorates the work of Mr Gordon Trinca FRACS. As a trauma surgeon, Mr Trinca’s distinguished career involved not only the management of trauma, but also the prevention of road trauma and trauma education. He was instrumental in the introduction of the Early Management of Severe Trauma Program, the promotion of seatbelt wearing and the development and implementation of drink driving countermeasures.
- This invited lectureship provides the Australian & New Zealand Trauma Society with the ability to recognise the significant contribution made by clinicians in the field of trauma through education and teaching.
- This lecture is presented at the ANZTS Annual Conference.
Nomination process:
- The Board of Directors and the ANZTS Conference Committee will be asked to put forward recommendations.
- The Awards Panel will review the nominees and make a recommendation to the Board for Directors for endorsement through a majority vote.
- Once the nominated recipient is endorsed by the Board of Directors, the President and Chair of Conference Committee will formally invite the successful nominee to speak at the annual conference.
Exclusion criteria:
- Previous recipients of this award are not eligible to be nominated.
Past Awards Ceremony Pictures:
L-R: Cameron Palmer, Andrea Herring, Ian Civil, Alicia Jackson, Cliff Pollard, Trish McDougall, Tony Joseph.
(Sara Calthorpe was unable to attend in person)