Dear Members,
Welcome to the first edition of Trauma Talk 2024.
The ANZTS Board kicked off the new year with a Strategic Planning Day and Board meeting in Sydney at the RANZCR Board room. More than half the Board members attended in person and others joined online.
There was an in-depth discussion of the Society’s activities over the last few years as well as where we are today. We used the SWOT model to identify key aspects against each of those domains. The results of the recent survey were also presented by Belinda Gabbe which provided an important insight into our planning for the future activities. ANZTS Annual Conference and collegial support & networking were identified as value add to members whereas the main role of the Society was identified as providing national leadership, annual conference and opportunities for members to connect. Email and newsletter are the preferred modes of communication by members.
We identified key priority areas for the Board, discussed some of the risk areas and also considered opportunities where we could strengthen the Society. The feedback from the survey were cornerstone to certain aspects of our discussion. As we identified the priorities and the work plan for 2024 it became clear that the current Committee structure would need to be modified to make them fit for purpose. This work will be undertaken as a matter of urgency and we will be reaching out to the wider membership seeking volunteers. Please look out for EOI that will be sent out soon and consider which Committee you would like to join. I also intend to provide regular updates of important Board decisions that will be of interest to members.
It was also clear that the formation of Special Interest Groups at the time was important but its role and activities are largely undertaken through the Trauma Forum. It was decided to reduce the formal oversight of the SIGs, leaving them to develop their own networking strategy according to their unique needs utilizing the ANZTS discussion forum as a point of contact, and instead focus on restructuring and strengthening the Committees. As I write this article, the 5 year ANZTS Strategic Document is being drafted. Once endorsed by the Board it will be posted on the website for members to access. I also intend to provide regular updates of important Board decisions that will of interest to members.
Our membership has been static for a while and strengthening the profile of the Society and providing value for our current and future members was identified as one of the important priorities. There are multiple initiatives that can be undertaken to value-add and the Board considered some of these activities that will be initiated and be part of the work plan for 2024.
The planning for the 2024 Trauma Conference to be held in Brisbane from 24-26 October 2024 has commenced with Grant Christey as the Chair of the Organising Committee. We thank Martin Wullschleger for again taking on the role as Chair Scientific Committee. We are very confident that under their leadership and the hard work put in by the respective Committee members, the conference will be yet another highlight this year. Visit the Conference website for more information. Further details will appear on the portal as planning progresses.
The Conference Committee will be meeting soon to plan the future conferences and the intention is to plan 3 years in advance with locations and dates confirmed as soon as possible.
May I make an appeal to our members please? If you know a colleague or friend who is not a member of ANZTS, can you please ask then to consider joining. Joining the Society and renewing ongoing membership has been very simplified through our website.
Wish you all a lovely autumn season ahead.
Stay safe out there.